Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
The Lord know our hearts he know's our inner most thoughts he know's the hair upon our head's he is there when you need him always! Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for he is worthy and our Praise and Prayers should be within us daily. Keep him in your thoughts pray as if you need to talk to him just like a friend. Do you know he called Abraham his Friend. He is always ready to hear a fervent prayer from our hearts to his. Things are bad right now I know quite a few people who are out of work and they have been for a good while now. Families are having to hold on for all they can to survive at this time.
I can not say things will get better we know that things can get worse but we have to keep looking up to the heavens to seek his face and his Spirit! Just talk to him give him your heart and soul cry out to him he will listen. There are times coming when he will close that way of coming to him so think about how you could be without him when it does come upon us as his word says it will. Know one thing they say death and tax's. I tell you know one thing his Word in True and it will never fail.
I tell you we fail we come short in all of our ways we need him much more then most people want to admit. Think long and hard on how you will be in ten years. It could all be over by then no one know the time or the hour in which he will come. Peace be with you always.
He Loves you do you know that no greater Love that a man lay down his life for his friends. But think one way now he layed down his life for your sin. Yes he died so that you could have life in his righteousness his Love is amazing,wonderful,magnificent,marvelous, precious, sweetness of his desire!! By his wounds we are healed PRAISE HIS NAME. AMEN SHALOM
Bitterness-Get Rid of It!
13 years ago